Water in Uganda

More than 23 million people still do not have clean water. Much of Uganda is open water and swampland, but this is undrinkable. Meanwhile, high demand and poor management lead to shortages of clean groundwater – facilities are under strain in towns and cities, and the springs and wells that rural communities rely on are mostly used up.

The Ugandan government has a goal to reach everyone with clean water by the year 2040 and we are working to provide solar generators that power water purification systems for entire villages. Clean and sustainable energy production

3 out of 5 people do not have access to clean drinking water.

4500 children under the age of 5 die from diarrhea each year.

Clean water production in Uganda will bring about transformative benefits to villages in numerous ways. It will drastically reduce waterborne diseases, safeguarding the health and well-being of residents. It will also help by alleviating the burden of fetching water from distant and often contaminated sources, it will free up valuable time, particularly for women and children, allowing them to engage in education and income-generating activities.

Access to clean water will enhance agricultural productivity through irrigation, leading to increased food security and economic stability. The improved sanitation facilities that accompany our clean water projects will further prevent the spread of diseases and promote dignified and hygienic living conditions.

Our ultimate goal is that this initiative will also have positive environmental effects by reducing the reliance on ecologically harmful water sources, leading to the preservation of natural ecosystems for future generations that may benefit from a cleaner and safe environment.
